Find Yourself in Poetry

The Passions of a Poet

I began to write in grade school in Boston, MA., with an excellent English teacher, Mr. Boswirth, who said "just write" because I could not spell a thing. Years later after no encouragement, my ultimate teacher, Mr. W. Durkin, polished my desire to write effectively to a fault to present and share what I write that runs deep in my Irish and Scottish heritage. With my Boston roots and life in various places, themes of venue. I claim to capture in my "Words in Form" for your delight.


My Collection

They range from religious, humor, ethnic, landmarks, political, nature, love, nautical, fantasy, mythical, loss, pain, folklore, grief, desire, and more. I extol to write words in a diverse genre that will familiarize all with our mutual shared life and love experiences in verse, verily. Please search my collection to find yourself among these few favorites presented. You can also reach me to share your special request with me in the utmost discretion for a welcomed $ contribution & offered comments are appreciated to: " @" As I present to all here my Welcome Mat of ""...